Is Your Husband a Player?

I mean that in the best possible way.  In the fun way.

How important is fun to you?  I know different personalities are more inclined to feel fun is important than others. I think all would agree, though, that fun is super important to all children.

Personally, I will never win the best playdate competition in my children’s eyes.  I try.  But in the end, I’m more a story reader than a story teller.  I’m a play fight cheerleader more than a contestant. And I’m not usually the one hiding around a corner, ready to pounce.  I’m the one in the room being looked at with imploring eyes that say, “Mom, pretend I’m not here!”.

At our home, the prize goes to Dad and I really appreciate him for it.

Yes, Lenny is a real player.

Most women would not be happy if their man was considered ‘a player’.  I use this term because it means two great things to me.

One: He’s totally not that kind of player. So far from it. I can call him that with great peace and comfort in who he is.

Two: He plays so well with all of our children. He creates fun out of thin air.  So much so that people notice.Lenny in the snow

Strangers notice. Our friends notice.  Most importantly, our children notice.  And they bask in it.  He teaches them that life is to be enjoyed, smiles are to be worn boldly and laughter is for sharing.

So, what are the great things that your spouse does in your life?  Do you have a player?  If not, what do they contribute?

Even if you feel your other half is dropping the ball in many areas, there is (almost always) something that they does well, isn’t there?  They bless you in some small way.

If the blessings seem too rare to get excited about, you may not believe me when I tell you that focusing on them will bless you even more.  Please suspend your disbelief and try.  Banish thoughts of what isn’t getting done and focus on something that is being done well.

Perhaps, your spouse blesses you by being a player too. Snowball Fight!

Please let me know the ways your spouse excels at something you do not.  Small or big, I want to hear.

16 thoughts on “Is Your Husband a Player?

  1. Colleen this is a very well written article. Lenny is one of the most fun people that I know. He knows how to have a good time but knows when to be serious and responsible. I love our chuck norriss and movie quote time cuz it is very fun and we get to laugh. Laughter keeps you happy and I’m happy that you guys are happy! Cheers!


  2. We love going over to the Richardsons to play! When we got there, there was already an igloo made. And soon after we got there, there was 2 forts and a snowball fight to be had!! Unfortunately Dumon couldn’t make it out that day.

    I think one of my favorite ways Dumon plays with our 1 and 3 year old boys is wrestling with them! They love it when daddy roughhouses. He is always working to put a smile on the faces of those around him.


    1. We love it when you come here too, Rose. And, I love to hear your favourite things about Dumon. He is one of those people who lights up a room – and I don’t mean when he leaves it! 😉

      Thanks for reading and commenting. We, as a family, really value you guys as friends.



  3. I’m not sure my husband is a “player” as you’ve described, Colleen. But he definitely loves our sons and makes them a priority in so many ways. Thanks for this candid and encouraging look at the loving father that your husband is … and so glad that you see it! 🙂


  4. He hardly ever complains or gets upset. Whether he arrives home to the Addams Family or the Cleaver’s he’s thrilled to be home and kick in with whatever is needed, especially housework and cooking. The moments where I hold my breath to share news of a mistake, one that in past relationships are big screw-ups, he takes in stride, helps with a solution and hugs me tight until all the anxiety is gone, even when I DENT my Jeep.


    1. LOL! Dented jeeps can look like big things. I can relate, Alycia.
      Thanks for your comment. 🙂 Sounds like you have a great man who knows what he’s got in you. Not saying he’s not human, but there are enough people pointing out flaws. We can be cheerleaders from time to time.

      Have a great day!
      Colleen 🙂


  5. My husband isn’t as fun as yours I don’t think but over the years he’s loosened up and I can really see it with the grandkids but my kids have great memories of following their dad around on the farm, spending Sunday after church riding horses or going fishing… He’s a super blessing and loved by all 🙂


  6. Yes mine is! It’s so funny because when I first hopped over here from the link up party and read that first line I was like, “Uh oh!” But then it all made sense :). How awesome it is for you to be able to write such wonderful things about your husband! Sounds like he’s pretty amazing. Thanks for linking up with us, Colleen! Let’s do it again next week :).


    1. Hi Fawn,

      I’m so glad you stopped over. And, clearly, my title was effective. 😉 I love a good play on words!

      And, yes, I do intend to be back next week. I’m just starting to poke around your blog. It’s a good online place to be!



  7. My husband is fantastic at getting down on the floor and playing with our daughter. That is definitely not one of my strengths. I’m glad it’s one of his!


  8. Hi Colleen! This is Mai at the Happy Wives Club and Fawn wanted to make sure you saw the note that our Thursday link up party has now moved to Marriage Mondays – beginning today. We want to get all our favorite married bloggers linking up every Monday so we hope you’ll join us.


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